Traditional Medicine and Environmental Protection Organization (TRAMEPRO) is a registered Foundation under Non - Governmental Organizations Act No 24 of 2002 with Registration No. 00NGO/00007772. Traditional Medicine and Environmental Protection Organization (TRAMEPRO) in Swahili means Shirika la Dawa Asilia na Ulinzi wa Mazingira is headquarted at Magomeni Kagera,House No. KN/NDG/KN 128 at Kinondoni District, Dar es Salaam Tanzania.
The Organization has invested in Traditional Medicine and Environmental Protection in Tanzania mainland . The Organization is growing very fast and is becoming one of Tanzania’s key players in providing proper services such as to educate the public about treatment through the use of Traditional Medicine and protect Environment for Sustainable development. The main objective of the Organization is to help People understand Traditional Medicine and protect Environment since environment are people and people are environment.
Vision Statement:
The vision of Traditional Medicine and Environmental Protection Organization is to ensure that we have the health society that respect, use and protect traditional medicines that comes from natural and protected environment.
Mission Statement:
To see that Tanzanian local communities is enabled to achieve their goals without diseases and collective better life through enabling sources of Medicine, opportunities to participate in the use and protected environment for sustainable development.
Main Objective:
a) To conduct research in traditional medicine and environment and disseminate information on environment traditional medicine and healing to help improvement of environmental protection and health sector.
b) To educate community on the use of traditional medicine, and supplement in treatment and to ensure that prescriptions comply with procedures laid down by the authority governing traditional medicine in Tanzania.
c) To fight against bad beliefs that goes on traditional medicine basically on criminal intent like murder and theft and work with the community on exposing fraud and illegal practices on traditional medicine in building health community.
d) To support and empower certified individuals, groups of traditional medicine men, healers and researchers in preserving and improving the sector of traditional medicine
e) To seek government assistance in combating diseases through traditional medicine and research
f) To establish branches and hospitals, clinic, dispensaries and treatment centers throughout in the country
g) To promote and empower community on environmental issues.
h) To educate society on environment protection and the benefits of having clean and preserved environment for present and future generation
i) To plant trees whenever necessary
Core Programs / Thematic Focus
Traditional Medicine and Environmental Protection Organization has following seven core programs or thematic focus which helps TRAMEPRO in strategically achieving its mission.
i) Environment and Traditional Medicine Protection
ii) Capacity Building
iii) Community engagement and Coordination
vi) Water, Sanitation and Physical Infrastructure
v) Research, Monitoring and Evaluation
vii) Health and education
Vii) Advocacy
Membership is open to all who want to join us and be able to fulfill the following conditions
I. Must be person with Sound mind within the country
II. Must be traditional medicine men healer, researcher of expert in traditional medicine or any other person interested in traditional medicine
III. Applicant should send the application to the executive committee and being accepted by the board of director
IV. Applicant who shall willingly, knowingly accept the prescribed condition of paying monthly /annual subscription
Categories of Membership
· Founder Members: shall consist of those who signed the founding instrument, including this Foundation constitution, the application and registration form from the registrar of Non Government Organization
· Ordinary Members: shall be open to any person who is of the age of eighteen and above, and who agrees with the aims and objectives of the organization.
· Honorable members: shall be those persons who shall support by donating their time, talents, money or ideas and shall be appointed by AGM.
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